Friday, April 6, 2018

Daze by the Numbers

Daze by the Numbers
By Nathan Gardner

Daze - You may choose 1 Bender in the Space targeted by the attack you just completed that is not already dazed. Place a Daze token on their Team board. A Dazed Bender ignores the first Ability or Attack icon on the next Action bar they perform. The Daze token is returned to the supply after a Dazed Bender performs an Action.

Who and What can Daze? 

  •     Tahno with Head Shot and Frozen Floor
  •     Shaozu with Power Flare and Heat Wave
  •     Ming with Titan's Throw and Epicenter 
Anyone using the following Trick Cards
  • Gravel Blast
  • Unstable Footing
  • Headstrike
Amon's 'Electric Tonfas' Chi-Blocker
  • Amon giving an Order with From the Shadows, Revolution Begins!, and Make an Example. 

Daze can be a powerful effect if timed correctly. If you target Josei from the Tigerdillos and he only has his basic techniques yet, you know for certain that when Josei is dazed, his next card played will ignore the first icon of moving. No math involved, Josei is 100% not going anywhere when dazed. 

But what happens when Josei has gotten a few cards or what about all the other benders out there? If your able to memorize every card in the game, no issue at all. Daze is a powerful weapon for you. For everyone else, its time to play the odds. 

Targeting anyone in the game (Single Benders excluded), you are most likely preventing them from doing an attack. 

If you narrow down to bender type, attack remains the most likely followed by stopping movement for both Fire and Water. 

Earth benders break the mold. You are most likely to prevent them from using a Shield icon. 

Daze is the Swiss army knife of Pro Bending. You can use it defensively or offensively. My favorite defense Daze has been stopping Korra from using her Signature Technique 'Reverse the Current'. Its just one giant attack. Seeing your opponent buy it, you know its going to happen next turn, so Daze that water bender. For offense, knowing there is a high chance to prevent Fire/Water from moving or Earth from blocking, you are free to unload element tokens at them. Poor Bolin, he and the other Earth benders seem to be the first to fall in many games. Not always, but seems like a lot. 

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